Domestic Abuse Training in Torquay
Behind the Mask was launched in July 2019. It offers U.K. hair and beauty professional’s free online training to help them spot the signs that someone may be experiencing domestic abuse how they could respond in the best way.
Lash & Brow Workshop is delighted to be one of a growing number of beauty professional to take this special training.

Domestic Abuse may take one or more forms that could be physical, psychological, sexual, harassing, coercive or controlling. Given that domestic abuse includes a wide range of behaviours, it can be hard to spot and injuries may be masked by clothing or makeup.
Around 1 in 4 women will experience abuse in their lifetime. On average, 2 women are killed each week. For many reasons, some may not tell no one what’s going on. With some insight, a therapist’s unique relationship with their clients may reveal what’s hidden behind their ‘mask’. Many women use the services of a hairdresser and beauty therapist and tell them things that they wouldn’t say to anyone else. We may notice injuries or the consequence of them. With regular clients, they may recognise behavioural changes. Our salons and treatment areas may be seen as a safe and relaxing spaces to our clients and it may be one of the few opportunities they have to reach out for help or be open to it. It’s not about intervening or interfering, it’s simply suggesting the services of those who are specially trained to help in a way that’s informed and meaningful. Our listening ear along with a kind word may change or save a life.
During 2018, beauty therapist Julie Knight asked UK hair and beauty professionals for their views on the necessity of such a programme and how to make it really accessible. 100% of over 200 respondents said it was necessary. 98% said that a short online training programme would make it easier to use. With their help, the name was chosen. Julie consulted a number of interested parties to help inform the training programme along with her personal insight and professional knowledge given her past career in policing that spans nearly 30 years.
Behind the Mask is available free of charge and the content will be reviewed annually. Participant of the programme will be invited to revisit the training to refresh their knowledge every 2 years.
Lash & Brow Workshop is proud to incorporate the training into their courses so the next generation of therapists are aware of the signs of domestic abuse and how they can truly help. For more information, please visit their website at